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The following eight art pieces are proudly on display at Studio71 of Julie Peadon Art for all of February 2020; located at 71 Lyons Rd, Drummoyne NSW 2047, Australia (all prices in AUD exclusive of GST); Julie is an accomplished Sydney artist who takes on custom commissioned work herself whilst offering art classes for children and adults; Julie also runs the socially-engaging classes of guided Cocktails & Canvass evenings for groups; see or call Julie on 0416 135 146 &/or email her at Listed prices shown are ex-GST. (Updated 4 Feb 2020)
“Serenely You, Serenely Me, To Be With Or Not To” (acrylics/oils/canvass; 900 x 1200 mm); “May You Find Your Secret Garden; That Special Place – And Find Serenity Alone Or Accompanied With A Partner. Choice. Love & Peace.” 2019 (Price $3,800)
“Crimson Horizon; Inner Peace” (oils/canvass; 760 x 1100 mm); “A dreamy view of a stunning horizon. Depth & intensity of the ground cover dictated by the strokes & tonal variations creating an illusion of perspective & relative space; balancing both what I call negative space and multitude of focal points. Let the dreamy view come again, tomorrow.” 2019 (Price $5,500)
“Whispering In The Wind” (oils/gesso board; 305 x 305 mm); “Distant lands; is that you whispering or the winds rustling?” 2019 (Price $450 SOLD)
“Allegra I” (oils/gesso board; 305 x 305 mm); “An abstraction of a floral arrangement awashed in sunlight.” 2019 (Price $450)
“Where Horizon Meets The Skies – I’ll Meet You There” (oils/canvass; 406 x 409 mm); “An abstract landscape – where harmony, I believe, is found in the contrasting vertical and horizontal strokes balanced with the zig-zagging river and dramatic sky that meet at the distant horizon and tall pines being the focal and vanishing point.” 2019 (Price $2,200)
“Convergence II” (oils/canvass; 609 x 609 mm); “An inspired abstract landscape capturing a melancholic mood of the coolness of a meandering estuary carving through the landscape; while dramatic in movement, there is a lovely quality about its stillness.” 2019 (Price $2,600)
“With Some Clarity”
(405 x 405 mm; Oils/Acrylics/Canvass) “An abstract of a play of hues and form; where in its delicate imbalance, there is harmony in its form, color and textures folding within its multi-layers; describing life itself where we find harmony, or try to, whilst in the constant flux and chaos.” 2019 (Price $950)
“Reflections I” (610 x 915 mm; oils/canvass): “An abstraction of waterlilies in a small pond, partly in shade and under the bright morning light. In the hurry from point to point of our daily life, once in a while pause and gaze into that pond and its reflection gazing back at you…” 2019 (Price $12,800)
The following art pieces are on display at location of Fika by Cuppa Flower Shop 3/7 Central Park Ave, Chippendale NSW 2008, Australia (all prices shown in AUD inclusive of GST); updated 20 Jan 2020
“Gratitude I” 2019
Artist Statement: “When the Heavens open up; the Blessings of Source to Life pours down across the land, unrelenting with Abundance – the aroma, the feeling, the resonance; childlike and beautiful. When Love pours into our lives we show Gratitude for its presence, even if for a mere moment, fleeting but the depth of connectivity as deep as black holes. When it sadly leaves us, we extend Gratitude for it may come around again.
Oils/Acrylics/Pastels/Canvass 1200 x 1200 mm – (Price $9,500)
“Pause I”
Artist Statement: “Its probably easier to paint pain while in pain than it is to paint beauty; why take the easier route…let the energies flow from within, around and beyond. Shared. Energy shared. Ripples away.”
610 x 810 mm acrylics/canvass
2019 (Price $2,800/Gifted Away)
“Reflections II; The Allure”; 2019 Oils/Canvass; 910 x 910 mm – (Price: $5,900)
“Seasons Without You I”; oils/canvass 2019; 910 x 910 mm – (Price $2,800)
“Crossroads – When Energies Collide” 2019 Oils/Charcoal/Canvass 900 x 1200 mm (Price $5,200)
“Catalyst I” 2019; oils/canvass; 762 x 1016 mm – (Price $3,200)
“Petals II” 2018; acrylics/canvass; 457 x 457 mm – (Price $1,200)
“Convergence I” 2018; acrylics/oils/canvass; 457 x 457 mm – (Price $850)
“The Ocean Draws You In”
Artist Statement: “The simplicity in tonal choice, to depict this deeply moody scenery and space, contrasts beautifully against a dynamic and darkened sky; the ruggedness and boldness of the coastline adds to this emotive piece. Many a time I sit gazing into the horizon on the vast Australian coastline; letting my thoughts go.”
2019 457 x 457 mm; oils/charcoal/canvass – (Price $1,800)
“Conversation With You; In Coastal Winds”
Artist Statement: “An emotive semi-monochrome landscape by the sea; setting a melancholic feeling, during a walk as sand is kicked up by bare feet, over a conversation in coastal winds.”
2018 oils/canvass 510 x 610 mm – (Price $1,800)